How to Cancel a Tangerine (ING Direct) Automatic Savings Program (ASP)

Recently, I wanted to stop making automatic contributions to my Tangerine, formerly ING Direct, savings account using their ASP Automatic Savings Program. I thought cancelling the contributions would be easy, but it wasn’t: That’s because I’m an idiot.

I misunderstood the purpose of one of the buttons on the screen. In case it’s not immediately clear to anyone else, here are the instructions for how to cancel a monthly transfer from another bank to Tangerine.

  1. Log in to your Tangerine Account.
  2. From the list on the left side of the screen, click on
    View my accounts, then
    click on the account in which the Automatic Savings are being deposited.
  3. From the left side of the screen, click on Pending Transactions.
  4. If the desired pending automatic savings program transfer is listed, click on the Pencil button beside the listing.
  5. Click on the Delete button.
    This is where I was stupid. I thought Continue reading