How to Contribute Cash to a BMO InvestorLIne TFSA from a BMO Bank Account

It’s that time of year again. We are contributing to our TFSAs at BMO InvestorLine. What we’ll buy with our money once it is in there is another question for another day!

Contributing Cash to Your BMO InvestorLine TFSA

  1. Sign in to your BMO InvestorLine account/s.
  2. If applicable, from the drop-down list in the upper right side of the screen select your TFSA account.
  3. Under the My Portfolio tab, under the heading TFSA, click on Contribution.
    The Transfer funds page will display.
  4. In the From field, click on the CHOOSE ACCOUNT box.
    The Choose the account to transfer from window will display.
  5. If your BMO bank account is not yet displayed, click on the ADD BMO BANK ACCOUNT box.
  6. For the BMO bank account from which you want to transfer in the money, type in your
    Transit number
    Account number
    Nickname, if desired

To Transfer the Contribution Into Your TFSA

  1. On the Choose the account to transfer from pop-up window
    Click on the name of the desired bank account.
  2. On the Transfer funds page
    Click on the box Choose Account / To
  3. Select the correct TFSA account
  4. In the How much do you want to transfer box, type the amount you wish to contribute to the TFSA.
  5. Confirm the Choose a frequency is displayed as Once in bold blue, for a single contribution
  6. If desired, change the Date of the contribution by clicking on the calendar icon, or leave it as “Today”
  7. Click on the Continue button.
  8. Review the information on the pop-up window. If it is ok, click on the Confirm button.
  9. Make a note of your confirmation number on the That’s it. You’re all done. pop-up window.
    Click on Go Back or Trade Now, as desired.
  10. When you are finished using your InvestorLine account, Sign out. For added security clear your cache and browser history and close your browser.

You’re done!

Related Reading

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Do you make your TFSA constribution in January? Or do you rarely have enough left at the end of the year to pay the bills? Please share your views with a comment. (Once I open comments again, that is–sorry if they are down!)