How to Deposit a Cheque by Taking a Photo Using the Tangerine (ING Direct) App

Recently ING Direct, now called Tangerine,  introduced Canada to a banking feature that has been in use in the USA for years. By using an app on your smart phone, iPad or iPod, you can send a photo of a cheque to ING. They will then deposit the cheque just as if you popped it into a bank machine or the mail. I decided to try it and see how it would work to deposit a dividend cheque into my ING Direct Tangerine THRIVE account using our iPad.

First of all, for those who think we dropped the big bucks on an iPad, let me clarify that my husband won it at a mandatory work charity golf tournament. For those who know his golfing technique, yes this is totally true. Ask him for the details. But I’m very glad he won it because without it this article could not have been written.

Read the General Information about Tangerine’s Cheque-In App

You can read up on this new way to deposit cheques on the Tangerine website at


  • You can only deposit Canadian cheques written in Canadian dollars at this time (October 2013.)
  • You don’t need to endorse the cheque.
  • You can deposit a maximum of $20,000 per day.

Get the Tangerine Mobile Banking App

First you will have to download and install the Tangerine mobile banking app on your smart phone, tablet, iPad or iPod. They have an app for Windows 8 devices (all five of you should be happy!), Android devices, Blackberrys, and some tablets.

You’ll need a recent version of the app to get the cheque depositing feature and you’ll need a device with a camera with good resolution.

Depositing a Cheque with the Tangerine Mobile Banking App

Once you’ve installed the Tangerine mobile banking app, you will also have installed their new Cheque-In feature.

I tested this new feature using an iPad. There may be slight differences in how the app works on different devices. Sorry!

Log In To Mobile Banking

  1. On your iPad, tap on the Tangerine icon.
  2. In the Log me in field, type your Tangerine client number, card number or username.
    If necessary, tap on the Go button.
  3. If applicable, in the Your Secret Question field, type the answer to your personal question, then tap on the Next button.
  4. In the Your PIN field type your personal identification number then tap on the Next button.
  5. Read the Location Capture Terms of Use and if you agree, tap on the I Accept button.

Start the Cheque-In Feature

  1. At the bottom of the I’m a Client, let me in! screen, is an icon called Deposit.
    Tap on the icon.
  2. Read the info about Cheque-in Deposit.
    Tap on Get Started Now
  3. Read the Terms of Use and if they seem ok to you, tap on Yes, I Agree.

Deposit the Cheque Using Cheque-In

  1. From the Select Account, tap on the right facing arrow and choose the account into which you wish to deposit the cheque.
  2. In the Enter Amount $ field, type the amount of the cheque and tap on the Done key on your keyboard.
  3. To Take pictures of your cheque, tap on the cheque side Front button.
    1. Read the Image Tips, then tap on Continue OR tap on OK, don’t display again
    2. Tap on the Camera icon to take the photo.
    3. If it’s even slightly unclear, tap on the Retake button.
    4. If it’s crisp with no shadows, tap on the Use Picture button at the top right of the screen.
  4. Tap on the cheque side Back button.
  5. Repeat the photo taking as above, A-D.
  6. When you have an image you like, tap on the Next button.
    It will spin a circle stating Processing Cheque.
  7. If the deposit information looks correct, tap on Deposit Cheque.
  8. You will receive a confirmation message with a number.
    KEEP the cheque!
  9. IF you’re done, tap on the Logout button.

Tangerine should send you an email message with an hour or two stating that it has received your request and asking you to hold on to your paper cheque.

When Can I Get Rid of the Paper Cheque?

Now you have to wait. According to various users on RedFlagDeals (  not all cheque photos will be accepted by Tangerine. If the photo is unclear, they will tell you and you will have to start over again or deposit the cheque at a bank machine or by mail. So do not dispose of the cheque yet!

I received confirmation that my cheque images had been accepted 4 business days after I sent them in. That confirmation, sent by email, requested that I dispose of the original cheque, preferably by shredding it.

How Fast Is the Cheque Deposited?

In my test case, the cheque was not fully deposited until the images had been confirmed 4 business days after I sent them in. I started earning interest the day I made the deposit, however.

I don’t know how long the funds for the cheque might have been kept “on hold” because they don’t put a hold on small amounts due to my account balance. You’d have to phone Tangerine and ask what rules would apply to your account before making a deposit of a cheque.

What Didn’t I Like About Depositing a Cheque using Cheque-In?

I did discover that I don’t like trying to take crisp, unshadowed photos of cheques using an iPad. It’s a bit heavy and bulky for me to use. I think I would be happier using an iPod.

For some reason I didn’t particularly like having the cheque around the house while I waited to see if it processed properly. That’s odd because it would have taken me a day or two to bother taking it to the bank machine anyway!

I was hoping I’d be able to see the cheque image in my account history after the deposit was complete but it does not seem like I can. I only see a line item stating I made a deposit on a certain day for a certain amount using Cheque-In.

What Did I Like About Depositing a Cheque Using Cheque-In?

It was fast and simple. No driving, walking or biking required.

Would I use it again? Yes.

Related Reading

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Have you tried Cheque-In? Did it work for you? Please share your experiences with a comment.

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How to Check Your Cashed Cheques at PC Financial

My husband usually keeps a couple of cheques in his wallet. They usually get written in a hurry often for charitable causes. That means every so often a cashed cheque is reported against our chequing account that he hasn’t listed it in the cheque book. In the past, I would ask if he remembered what it was for and if he didn’t know, I just hoped that it was legit. Now we have a PC Financial joint chequing account, with unlimited free cheques we can check what we wrote a cheque for by looking it up online for free.

Looking at a PDF of a Cashed Cheque Written on a PC Financial No Fee Chequing Account

  1. Sign in to your PC Financial account.
  2. From the list of your accounts, click on your No Fee chequing account.
    Page down till you see the cheque about which you are curious.
  3. Click on the link for the cheque.
    For example, I clicked on: Cheque #6
  4. To see the image, click on the button: view cheque.
  5. The front and back image of the cheque will be displayed as part of the PCF screen. You can see who endorsed the cheque on the back.As I suspected, this cheque was a charitable donation. The large even number was a big clue.
    Your choices include the buttons to:

    • return to transaction history
    • view PDF to print or save
    • printer friendly version

    You may want to save the PDF to keep an electronic proof of the payment, or you may want to print it to include in your files. Remember that PC Financial will only keep the cheque images for a fairly short period of time. If you’ll need them for taxes, etc, be sure to make a copy that you control.

  6. If you click on “view PDF to print or save” it opens the cheque images in a separate Adobe Acrobat Viewer window.
    To print it or save it, you just click on the appropriate icon near the top of the window.
  7. If you click on “printer friendly version” a different popup window opens.
    To print from this window, click on the button: print this page.
  8. Close the popup window/s.
    (You may get an error that sends you back to the screen you see when you first sign in to your PC account. I did when I closed the PDF popup window. I also got that error when I tried to use the “return to transaction history” button.)
  9. If you’re finished banking,
    1. click on the Sign Out button.
    2. Clear your Browser history.
    3. For increased security, close your Browser session.

Guard Your e-Signature Well!

Remember those cheque PDFs include an electronic copy of your signature. It does not take a computer genius to use that electronic copy to forge your signature on other documents. Always protect your password and ID for your PC Financial accounts. If you store your cheque images electronically on your own computer, protect those files too!

Related Reading

Join In
Have you solved any chequing mysteries by looking at your cashed cheques? Did you ever catch a case of fraud this way? Please share your experiences with a comment.

image of thin green double line