How to Order Cheques for a Tangerine (ING Direct THRIVE) Chequing Account

Ok, first I opened a Tangerine chequing account and funded it from my existing ING Direct, now, Savings Account. Next I paid a bill from my account online. But then I needed to get some actual paper cheques. The school system seems to thrive (notice the amazing {and SEO-advantaged} pun!} on requesting incredibly small amounts of money often and usually by cheque. I bet the average family with 2 elementary-school-age children goes through more cheques per year than the average retired couple does per decade. So here’s how I ordered my first book of Tangerine cheques.

Ordering Cheques from Tangerine

  1. Login to your Tangerine accounts.
  2. Click on the View My Accounts link.
  3. Click on your Chequing Account.
  4. Under the Heading Tangerine Chequing Account – number, click on the link: Order My Cheques.

To Order the Specific Cheques You Need

  1. Read the information that says you don’t need new cheques if you have existing ING Direct cheques.
    Note that your first book of 50 cheques is free (as of June 2014) but additional books are $12.50 each.
    Make sure that your correct chequing account is selected from the drop-down list at the top right side of the Order My Cheques page. Before ordering:

    1. Check that the Name is correct.
      You cannot change your name on this screen.
    2. Check that the Home Address is correct.
    3. Check that the Mailing Address is correct.
      For example, you might want your cheques to be printed with your Home Address but be mailed to you at your work address.
      If you want to change your address, you have to stop and go to the My info and options page first.
    4. Select whether to print your cheques in English or French.
    5. Select whether to print your cheques with your Home address; your Mailing address, or No address from the drop-down list.
    6. If everything is correct, click on the Next button.
  2. On the Here’s What’s Going to Happen page, check the information is correct.
    If it’s ok, and you’re ready to commit to printing your cheques and/or paying for them, click on the Order button.
  3. Make a note of your confirmation number in case there’s any delay with your order.
  4. Click on the Continue Banking button.
    The cheques should arrive in the mail in about 1-2 weeks.
  5. If you’re finished banking, click on the Log me out link.
  6. Then, clear your cache and close your browser session for increased security.

UPDATE: I ordered cheques on March 31 and they arrived today, Monday April 8. That’s pretty good considering the Easter long weekend was March 29 through April 1 this year. (Yes, I guess I did order them on that weekend.)

I also ordered Tangerine cheques on Tuesday June 17. We’ll see when they arrive.
UPDATE: They just arrived on Wednesday June 25. (They are the new Tangerine cheques and they are very, very, very plain. Frankly they look like something I could have printed myself.)

The cheques are not going to win any prizes for most beautiful artwork, but they look just right for paying my child’s school $2.93 for an 8-page book of recorder music.

What do Tangerine Cheques Cost?

Only your first set of cheques is free. Additional sets of cheques cost a fee.

As of April 2017, an extra 50 cheques costs $20.

As of June, 2014, an extra 50 cheques costs $12.50.

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Do you still have to use cheques? How much does your bank charge for additional cheques? (I’m planning to set up a President’s Choice Financial joint chequing account soon to get free cheques. Bet they stop offering them as soon as I sign up!) Please share your experiences with a comment.
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