How Quickly Will I Get My New Account Bonus from Tangerine?

Early last week, my husband signed up for a Tangerine Chequing Account and deposited over $250 into the account. He asked me a question I couldn’t answer, though: How soon would he get the new account $50 bonus payment from Tangerine for opening and funding the account?

Sorting Out the Tangerine Information So Readers Can Find What They Need

I’d like to interrupt this article long enough to mention that I have sorted out the Tangerine articles to make it easier to find information. There is now a table of contents with links to the relevant articles on the page Tangerine Online Banking Articles at . So if you want to read up on RRSPs or Chequing account features, or check my comparisons of PC Financial and Tangerine products, you can find the info you need more quickly and easily. I hope this helps a bit.

When Does Tangerine Say the Bonus Will Be Deposited?

The Tangerine website says that the $50 bonus will be deposited within 30 days of when the $250 or more is deposited in the new account.

So we kind of thought it would be day 29 or even day 30 before the bonus appeared.


Every Account Could be Different, But

My husband funded his new Tangerine chequing account on Friday, June 6, 2014.
On, Tuesday June 10, the $50 bonus was in his account! The payment is back-dated to  Monday, June 9.


How Soon Will Your Bonus Appear?

Unfortunately, I don’t have any way to know if my husband’s payment timing is typical. So if you sign up and if you could it would be great if you would report when your bonus landed in by sharing a comment.

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Please let me know when your bonus arrived in your account. (If you mail in a cheque to fund your account, you might want to compare when they deposited the cheque to when the bonus came in, rather than when you dropped your letter in the mail to the bonus date.) Was it there in 4 days? Or 30? Please share your experience with a comment.
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