How to Set Up Direct Deposit for Your Pay Cheque Into a Tangerine Bank Account

Well, after much hard work volunteering, taking courses, writing a good resume and cover letter, and planning ahead for an interview, my young relative now has his first job: Congratulations! He already opened a Tangerine chequing account knowing that his preferred employer doesn’t do cheques. So now he was ready to set up direct deposit of his pay into his Tangerine chequing account, if he could figure out how.

Always Check for Bonuses When Adding New Features to Your Tangerine Account

At this point, I’d just like to remind people that Tangerine often has bonuses for when you start new services. For example, now in September 2016, you can get a bonus if you transfer all of your direct deposits and pre-authorized payments from another bank to your Tangerine account.

Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be a bonus for staring direct deposits directly from an employer. Personally, I would have phoned Tangerine and asked them if there was one, but my young relative was in a hurry and a bit shy so he skipped that step. If you’re not in a rush, phone and ask. It won’t do any harm and it could get you $25 if there is a promotion available.

Setting Up a Direct Deposit Payment Into a Tangerine Chequing Account

  1. Sign in to your Tangerine account/s.
  2. From the links down the left side of the screen, click on: Forms
  3. Under the heading Banking Forms, click on the link: Direct Deposit Form

The Deposit Information Section

  1. From the drop-down list, select the type of deposit. Choices include
    Investment dividend
    Tax return
    Other (If you select this you will be prompted to type in the type of other deposit.
  2. From the drop-down list, select the account into which you want the deposit made.
  3. If desired, type in an Amount.

The Depositor Information Section
If you know the following information about your Employer, you can type it in so that it will be pre-typed on the form when you print it out:

  • Company/Organization
  • Account/Policy number
  • Address

If you don’t know, you can leave it blank for your Employer to fill in.

  1. Click on the Print button.
  2. Review your Personal details, including your name and mailing address.
    Tangerine will supply your account number, institution number and transit number.
  3. If everything looks ok, click on the Print button to actually print the copy.

Printing a Void Cheque for Direct Deposit or Other Reasons for a Tangerine Chequing Account

Some places want a void cheque to set up direct deposit. If you don’t have your Tangerine cheques yet, or if you don’t want to use one, you may be able to submit a “Void Cheque” image generated by Tangerine.

  1. Sign in to your Tangerine account/s.
  2. From the My Accounts page list, click on the name of the Chequing Account into which you wish to deposit your payments.
  3. In the grey summary box about your Chequing account there is a list of Account Actions.
    Click on the link called: Print void cheque.
  4. An image will be displayed of a void cheque for your chequing account showing your bank’s number, transit number, and account number. It will have your name and mailing address show.
  5. Click on the Print button to print it.

What Should You Do With the Tangerine Direct Deposit Form?

  1. Sign and date the form to authorize your employer to make deposits into your account.
  2. Then, you should provide the Tangerine direct deposit form to your employer. Their payroll department can process it to set up the automatic payments.

Let’s hope my relative’s employer does well with this. I’m looking forward to my relative getting his first cheque. (I hope the mandatory deductions don’t scare him away from working!)

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