How to Cancel a PC Financial Automatic Savings Transfer

When I first opened our PC Financial no fee chequing account they were offering a high “bonus” rate of interest on new deposits. Of course that only lasted a few months. Now that the promotion is over, I want to cancel our PC Financial automatic savings transfer from our chequing account at another bank to our savings account. Here’s how to stop the transfers.

Stopping an Automatic Transfer to Your PC Financial Account

  1. Sign in to your PC Financial account.
  2. From the list of links on the left side of the screen, select: transfers
  3. From the new list under transfers, select: upcoming transfers
  4. A list of your automatic transfers will be displayed.
    1. Click to select the radio button beside the automatic transfer that you wish to cancel.
    2. Click on the continue button.
  5. Review the details of the transfer you are cancelling. Read the informational messages about when a transfer will be effective. If the information is acceptable, click on the cancel selected transfer button.
    For example, PCF says

    • Cancelling one upcoming transfer of a series will cancel all of the remaining scheduled transfers. You will have to set up a new automatic transfer if you want to cancel just one transaction and then start transferring again.
    • because transfers begin at least one business day before the date the money moves to your account, you cannot cancel a transfer that is already partially in progress using this method
    • if your money is on hold or if there isn’t enough money in your account, the transfer will not proceed
  6. If desired, make a note of the Reference number for the cancellation.
  7. If you are finished banking, sign out of your account. For increased security, close your browser session.

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Do you use automatic savings transfers to simplify your investing goals? Do you find you frequently have to cancel the transfers due to changing circumstances? Please share your experiences with a comment.

How to Set Up Automatic Transfers to a PC Financial Account

TV shows like Till Debt Do Us Part encourage people to set up automatic deposits to savings accounts. The idea is that if the money is never seen you will spend less of it. You can automatically transfer money every week, every two weeks, once a month, every 3 months, every 6 months or once a year to a PC Financial bank account from another institution to help you save. You can also transfer money within your PC Financial accounts. For example you can transfer from a chequing account to a savings account. Here’s how to make these transfers automatic.

How to Set Up a Regular Automatic Account Transfer for a PC Financial Account

Sign In to your PC Financial Bank Accounts

  1. Go to
  2. Make sure Online Banking is selected from the drop down list in the top right corner of the screen, then
    Click the Go button.
  3. In the Card Number field, type the number on your ABM card.
  4. In the Password field, type the password you set up for online banking.
  5. Click on the Sign In button.

To Transfer Automatically from your Bank to PC Financial or Between PCF Accounts

  1. From the link list on the left side of the screen, click on: transfers
  2. From the drop-down list, select from which account to take the money.
    • For example, I selected our PCF chequing account.
    • NOTE: you can see how much money you have in your PCF accounts but not in accounts at another bank or credit union.
  3. From the drop-down list, select to which account the money should be deposited.
    • For example, I selected our PC Financial savings account.
    • Because this is a PC Financial account, it does show the current balance in the account.
  4. In the How much? field, type the amount you want to transfer.
  5. From the drop-down list, select How Often to make the transfer.
    • I selected Every week.
    • Choices include:
      • Once;
      • Every week;
      • Every two weeks;
      • Once a month;
      • Every 3 months;
      • Every 6 months;
      • Once a year.
  6. In the When? Field, select the month and type the day and year.
    Or select the date from a Calendar by clicking on the icon.
  7. Read the warning notes.
    • For example, the account balances shown for the PCF accounts include funds on hold that may not be able to be transferred.
  8. For the Ending when? section, select
    • the date the transfers should stop, or
    • how many transfers should be made before stopping
  9. Click on the continue button.
    • If, like me, you left the date as today’s date, you will get a rejection message that states:
      “The transfer date is invalid. The transfer date must be dated at least one day in the future. Funds transferred to and from another financial institution usually take 1 to 2 business days to process.”
    • Don’t ask why it waited till this point to reject my request. Anyway I changed the date to tomorrow and clicked on the Continue button again.
  10. On the Transfers – before you finish screen, review the details.
    • In particular if you have several bank accounts make sure the correct account numbers are selected.
    • Read the warnings about Holds placed on the incoming funds and delays.

    Click on the set up transfer button.

  11. Copy the Confirmation screen or make a note of the Reference number if desired for future needs.

If you are finished banking

  1. At the top right of the screen, click on the Sign Out button.
  2. Click on the OK button.
  3. Close your browser to increase the security of your banking information.

To Check Your Regular Contribution Instructions for an PC Financial Account

  1. Log in to your PC Financial account online.
  2. To check your upcoming transfers, on the left side of the screen, click on the Transfers link.
  3.  A new sub-list is displayed on the left side.
    Click on the upcoming transfers link.

    • A screen will show a list of scheduled transfers.
    • It tells you which accounts the money is coming from and going to, the amount, the date of the next transfer and any details such as if there are 3 more  transfers scheduled and how often.
    • Review the notes about when transfers begin and what happens if you cancel them.
  4. When you’re finished, for security, click on the Sign Out button, click OK and close your browser session.

You’re done!

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